A 65-year-old elder from Nyeri County recently underwent circumcision after it was discovered that he had never participated in the Kikuyu community’s traditional rite of passage.
This rare revelation stunned the community and caused widespread disbelief after his decades long secrets exposed

The truth came to light when his lover, frustrated by his long-kept secret, reported the matter to the local elders.
The elders, taken aback by the revelation, investigated the claim and confirmed the man’s uncircumcised status.
Community elder
What made the situation even more shocking was that the man had been serving as a community elder, a prestigious role strictly reserved for circumcised men.
For decades, he managed to keep his secret hidden, even rising through the ranks to earn the respect of his peers.
However, his deception unraveled when his lover decided to expose him to the council. After confirming the reports, the elders arranged for the 65-year-old to undergo the rite, ensuring it was carried out according to tradition.
One of his peers, Gerald Kung’u from Kieni, expressed his shock and disappointment.
“We were so surprised to learn that someone we had considered one of our own elders was uncircumcised. We have been friends for years and never suspected anything. When the report reached us, we investigated, confirmed, and then accompanied him for the process.”
Now, the man is at home recovering under the care of his wife, who is watching over him closely as he regains his strength.
Despite the disappointment among the elders, they ensured the rite was performed to uphold cultural norms.
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